My fall will be for you.

Why is there only a few people who decides to take some responisibility in this world?
Why is it easier to destroy than to rebuild?

With SIMPLE things we can change and make this world so much better.
Why does it have to be so damn hard to get things through?
Why do people take advantage of their powers to do "bad" things?
Why is it so great to think only for yourself?

Where is the glory in destroying and killing people? Or drain a whole country of their money.. so just a few people can live in luxury?

I feel so powerless. There is so much I want to do. And I am doing everything I can.
I have to admit, I want to save the world. I feel so much responsibility.
I can't carry it. I am not strong enough.

I try to inspire, I try to show that things are possible.
But I don't have the strength to carry on like this. 


Bring me your peace and my wounds will heal.


Everyone always tells me how good I am as a person. Why? Because I show humanity? Because I care?
I really don't understand. I'm no hero nor am I a good person. Though, I love humans. I love you all, everyone. Even the people I don't like I love. It's simple, we are here together. Same planet, same ground. The same blood runs through our veins. You can feel your heart beat, just as mine.
I really don't care how you look. I don't care about your negative thoughts about yourself. They are NEVER true in any way. Yeah, I mean it. Why should they be true?
Think about it twice. You can decide to hate yourself, believe in other peoples bad influences, you feel bad, right? Then, it can not be true. Because if it was true, you would feel good about it.
Example; When you have done an essay or a test, you feel good. Because; You were there, you had studied hard and you have been nervous for days and now it's done. You feeeeeeeeeeeel good because it was something YOU wanted to do, something that you got through. You know it is right, because you feel a positive feeling afterwards. If you felt bad about it, you know that it is wrong. It's true. Everything that makes you feel bad is WRONG.

SO! I just wanted to say, you are great. Capable of doing anything you want. The impossible is just impossible because you think so. Your brain puts up this boundries someone else gave you.

Stop, rethink and do. Trial and error. You live, right? Than learn from it.


Last one. I promise! I really have nothing to write today... except for that I was out running again in the rain! ^^

Now, the last video. I have linked this one before, but it is so gooood! You can't feel anything but awesome when you listen to it!
It's a cappella-metal and every instrument, except from the drums, is their voices! So epic! :D


Sorry me and music. But this is my childhood =P I think my dad had an very big impact on my choice of music today (because he loves this kind of music)

Rendez vous

This is a very long clip. But it keeps me looking to the end. I think it is an aaaaawesome mix!



Yeah I am ten years late... BUT I'M LAUGHING MY ASS OFF!!


I wanna cosplay TURTLES! Wouldn't that be awesome? 

I think I got a second thought.. after seeing the costumes.. maybe not!

First day!

My first day of my new life has passed. It was GREAT and I am looking forward to tomorrow when I can go outside and run again. It was so refreshing! Why haven't I thought about this earlier? So many questions =/

Well! Better now than never^^

I miss my booooyfriend. I miss my Fumiaki. Yeah, I do not know why I had to say it when I am talking about training. Probobly because he is my motivation?
Yeah, that is important. Motivation. I want to feel good nowadays and that most be Fumiakis doing. He is a bit weird that guy =P Makes me feel good and everything. (It's a joke... plain sarcasm!^^)

Well! Now it is time for..... PORRIDGE!^^

I still like you Fumiaki! And you have a place in my heart^^ Moahaha.

I cry when angels has to die

Alla har vi datum vi bär på. Minnen som aldrig försvinner.
Dock kan du alltid ta bort dina dåliga känslor kring dessa minnen och istället återskapa en slags, harmoni.

Minnen är viktiga. De är någonting vi får ta för att överleva. De har tjänat oss bra under all den tid som varit hittills.
Även om vissa minnen är svåra, så behöver vi gå igenom dem. Annars jagar dåtiden ikapp oss, stör oss på nätterna och påminner oss på dumma tider.

Mina minnen är kopplade till några datum. Datum som inneburit stor sorg och mycket längtan. Men också besvikelse och smärta.
Idag kan jag hantera dem på ett bra sätt. Men det tog år att komma hit.

Den 11 maj och den 10 juli är datum som svetsat sig fast hos mig. Den 11 maj är väl egentligen inget mer än en början till varför den 10 juli blev så sjukt jobbig.
Den 10 juli 2006 var en stor dag av sorg för mig. Dock tog de mig tid innan jag kunde sörja ordentligt. Kanske... ett halvår gick utan större problem. Men sen kom smällen som höll i sig ett år, ett och ett halvt år. Tills jag inte orkade mer. Jag tog tag i problemet och idag kan jag hantera det mycket bättre!

Jag vill känna mig ledsen över det som hänt. Det får bara inte ta över hela ens liv. Man brukar säga; Den dagen, den sorgen! Och så är det verkligen i mitt fall.

Ta vara på dina minnen, känn dem och tillåt dig att känna.

New life, new Alexandra!

This week I will do a detox and after that... I will go from eating trash to raw food!
I got inspired of it and I want to try it out! Though I maybe have to boil the vegetables because of my stomach-diseas haha xD I feel like an old woman in her early 80's with fake teeths.

I will do! I need to take out all the poison and bad things in my body.
Tomorrow I will run. No elk will stop me this time! And I will bring my fat cat with me =P

Aaaah! I wanna feel the joy in supporting myself. So, what do I have to lose? Except from some bad feelings and weight?^^


I can't sleep 'cause it's burning deep inside
Like gasoline on a fire running wild
No more fear 'cause I'm getting closer now
So unreal but I like it anyhow

I go faster, faster and faster

And I can't live in a fairytale of lies
And I can't hide from the feeling 'cause it's right
And I go faster, faster, faster, faster for love
I can't live in a fairytale of lies

I can feel that you mesmerize my heart
I feel so free, I'm alive, I'm breaking out
I won't give in 'cause I'm proud of all my scars
And I can see I've been wasting too much time

I go faster, faster and faster

Magnus 50år! GRATTIS!


  • First of all, our swedish politician Jimmie Åkesson is the biggest crybaby in this world. Can you please stop complain about where you are standing and why? No one CARES! -.-
  • Secondly... can you PLEASE STOP TALKING! Everything is like "bla bla bla", there is no sense at all. 
  • And finally, you should get a proper education in human behaivour!

I do not hate anyone. I have given this guy his chance but still, he does not impress me. I would never put Sweden in his hands. Sorry guys and girls!

That was all from me and my thoughts about the debate.

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