Everyone always tells me how good I am as a person. Why? Because I show humanity? Because I care?
I really don't understand. I'm no hero nor am I a good person. Though, I love humans. I love you all, everyone. Even the people I don't like I love. It's simple, we are here together. Same planet, same ground. The same blood runs through our veins. You can feel your heart beat, just as mine.
I really don't care how you look. I don't care about your negative thoughts about yourself. They are NEVER true in any way. Yeah, I mean it. Why should they be true?
Think about it twice. You can decide to hate yourself, believe in other peoples bad influences, you feel bad, right? Then, it can not be true. Because if it was true, you would feel good about it.
Example; When you have done an essay or a test, you feel good. Because; You were there, you had studied hard and you have been nervous for days and now it's done. You feeeeeeeeeeeel good because it was something YOU wanted to do, something that you got through. You know it is right, because you feel a positive feeling afterwards. If you felt bad about it, you know that it is wrong. It's true. Everything that makes you feel bad is WRONG.
SO! I just wanted to say, you are great. Capable of doing anything you want. The impossible is just impossible because you think so. Your brain puts up this boundries someone else gave you.
Stop, rethink and do. Trial and error. You live, right? Than learn from it.